We are excited to be at the same location this year! In case you missed it, this unique property is home to 50+ independently owned Colorado businesses offering a place for you to eat, drink, shop and play. The show will be held in the hanger with a networking reception to finish out your day. Exhibitor registration includes a light lunch and one entry into the after party.
Pricing is listed below as are several sponsorship levels.
This is primarily a table top show. There will be rows of tables in the center of the room with limited premium spaces along the perimeter walls.
7:00am - 10:00am Exhibitor Move-In
9:00am - 10:00am Professional Development/TBD
10:00am - 3:00pm Mile High Expo Show
3:00pm - 5:00pm Closing Party Reception
3:00pm - 4:30pm Booth breakdown
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Show sponsor - $1,000. This opportunity includes listing on all marketing materials, 10 minute presentation at the beginning of ProD or closing party, featured on overhead screen, sponsor sign in your booth and at the door, recognition at the closing party and company logo on the RMRPPA website.
Closing Party/Reception - $750. This opportunity includes listing on all marketing materials, 5 minute presentation at the beginning of ProD or closing party, featured on overhead screen, sponsor sign in your booth and at the door, recognition at the closing party and company logo on the RMRPPA website. (This has been fulfilled! Thank you Edwards Garments!)
Grand Prize - $300. We would like to give out a Southwest Airlines gift card at the closing party. In order to be eligible, we are going to provide distributors with a passport that they have to have "travelled" to participating exhibitors to receive a stamp. (This has been fulfilled! Thank you Langton Marketing Group!)
Education - $250
Beverage Station - $100 (This has been fulfilled! Thank you Leashables OraLabs Promotional Products!)
Passport Stamps - $50. In order for our distributors to be in the drawing for the grand prize they will need to complete their passports. We will have 15 suppliers serve as countries where they can get their stamps. (Stampers will be provided.)
Big Screen Rotating Display - $50. This is if you didn't sponsor in any other way as it is included with all other sponsor opportunities.
We are also looking for sponsors for show items, $100 each plus the donation of the items themselves. We are in need of:
- Bags - 250 - Sold Out! Thank you Bag Makers!
- Hand sanitizer - 250 - Sold Out! Thank you Raining Rose!
- Lip balm - 250 - Sold Out! Thank you Leashables!
- Pens - 250 - Sold Out! Thank you Chris Dollar Marketing!
- Lanyards - 300 - Sold Out! Thank you Blankenship Marketing Group
- Name badges - 300 - Sold Out! Thank you IDLine!
- Signage, to include floor stickers - TBD.
- Envelopes - 250
All sponsors will be listed in pre-show and event marketing.
No refunds available for show registrations.